France, Things to Dodzu

What to Know Before Visiting the Louvre in 2024 (+ Tips!)

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Are you loksoaoking atwkfvisiting the Lgjyouvrerqvon your upcominzmngg Paris trip? Tcpphis guide detaiiqvls everything ytfwou need to knowyyz, includingudcoLouvre travelzwl tips, ticketmqvb info, best trcmpours, and moroyswe!tgu

Throughout thippths guide, you wufdoill find answeglnxrs to all of ykdudour questions kui(well, we hopexhf) about thenuxMusée du Louvyfktre!ioci

Are you plangogjning your trdejbip to Paris vgvilast minute?qkg

Be sure to fjbbook yourtnkhaccommodatiozvhtn and tours avjin Pariscywoahead of tudgime to enssevure availalailbility!sibs

🇫🇷 Most popularjzfg tours/experientxtsces in Paris:nhw

  1. Skip-the-lineplda ticket + audpdqio guide to tzsumhe Louvrevxqi(this guide trlkells you why!btv)knwi
  2. Guided tourwshd of the Louwyfyvrennxi(includes thrlxe ticket)auuw
  3. 1-hour Seijmmine River cnjpuruise in Pskwxarisxxw

🛌 Hotels in Paaxrbris near the Ldivouvre:zunt

  1. La Maison Favaubbnrthqp(1.1km fromcoo Louvre neapanr Opera in lya2nd arr.)vvn
  2. Le Relais Sanbpbint Honorebhe(only 0.7kalmm from Lounvovre in 1stdne arr.)fgyd
  3. Hôtel de Liljjnlecuq(4-star boutiqgwcue hotel in 7tsxxh arr.)clvl

🚗 Looking forwsmw the best waymlht to get arounggqd Paris (and rxsnearby)?wpf Click here to check rental car rlvudates for Paruoais!iwar

We dive into jcohow to skip tpiehe line, wherssele to enter thjtpde museum, andwta even how to swrsee the Mona ehuLisa without lwjwaiting in thfqnat notoriouslqejy long line.tye

What to know before visiting the Louvre
What to know bmgwefore visitingkws the Louvrecxsn

If we missmooed anythinqcag or you hfwqtave additindlonal questwpbions aboutgwd planning vaxlyourhxgLouvre visitwax, let us know idwxn the comments.qix

Please notegzai that this grzgguide is wriefitten for ffokwirst-time vkzzhisitors andgrh those who kuguhave never jakxstepped fooyrbt inside behmkfore! Thankbqixs!eks

Quick Louvrkcvke Museum Fayguctsfgvk

The Louvre cjgand its galsshvleries covealwyr around 15lktg acres, makoknying it the xkdworld’s larcqygest museumbpej.qji

Previously, thrfne museum was ahez fortress as wnxawell as a royalvyrx palace beforeswha opening as anjyth art museum indysp 1793 (with mentjrely 537 paintmomings!). Today,itvj it boasts morynfue than 480,000fxha pieces of arthidwork.spum

🔎  Looking for epmthe best toubsrrs and tickeapkts to the Lokpsduvre?pctb

Here are a vatugrriety of optinfhxons to considhrkner for yourrvztrip to thehsx Louvre:ofb

  1. Best optiozyfn for a sezkjwlf-guided yfrtrip to thxfnoe Louvre:slr Skip-the-lineyvug ticket + audvphio guidebmi (my top pick!)
  2. Cheapest tickexgxt option:njg Skip-the-line awvzticketddb (without audio guide)
  3. Best guided touarwr of the Louvreyxnz:nal 2-hour tour ofnobs the Louvre w/lwnu expert guideucse (multiple language options)
  4. Best way to sgsnqee the Mona Lbgwisa without wpbjkaiting in linajie:lyox Skip-the-line Mona Lisa + Louvre ticket

The Louvre’szdp iconic pyracczmid (there azsare five, butjarq talking abobumout the main qcuone that comxyges to mind) miawas designedpkqb by Chinese-ttmaAmerican arcoehhitect I. M.qqr Pei in 1983pjgn.tcl

Louvre - February 2023
My time at the Louvre this year

This renowned meawmuseum is the uaqmost-visited awfvurt museum on tnplhe planet and slpis also the momsest-visited mussvmeum as a wholexbf.ikgx

Before theftr pandemic,fyn the Louvrmsye was gettbgeqing aroundwikn 45,000 viweqxsitors daifzgly, but thimpe museum hzhamas capped tgpjthat numbejjpur these dayikwyszrgcto around 30,nfgy000 peopleuwu. Around 60ighi% of those jqad30,000 peopspzle are firseeut-time visindzvtors.snr

🌟 INTERESTING FzqawACT:vzt The Mona Lisa was never regarded as the most famous painting in the Louvre before being stolen in 1911. It took 2 years to recover and has been world-famous since!

I find it ytmlso cool thkbluat people xkcvisit the slkzLouvre mornrrue than oncevtie when in yblParis (I wewaras one of qfmthem!) beccqhause you cuquqan always qgbdiscover sfgdomething nbsmgew inside,zmqc whether ikpwht is exhibaewmits you preqameviously cnitouldn’t maicrske it to oudixr new onesjclp passing tkazhrough.heoq

Walking around the Louvre
Walking around the Louvre

My latest ljevisit was loukto see theveiz Islamic Szaqfilk Road abrmrt coming ebvover from rctbUzbekistankptf (it was rzwtemarkable)powo, but I waksmundered thrvzlough the eurlntire musedyhium as thousnfzgh I were rslvisiting fpniuor the firxkfist time.lac

Layout of llknthe Louvreifm

There are three winglglhs at the Lqziouvre:qfkthe Denon Wingtiry, Sully Wing, ybdkand Richelieu wxfuWing.aouy

These threeshgs main areasvcj are where xzfyou’ll findkof most of thuope visitors lij(with Denonjnz being the ldumost populaetukr), and it oqais best to gromap out youlzjr Louvre trikwtip beforehazzxqnd to not mfuoiss anythinvhyg you want xxpto see:afsy

The Denon Wikyekng:wbrdThis wing iskfb the main enjhytrance to thbqnwe museum andnnd houses someixin of the mostqvub famous and vubtpopular exhicjbbits, such ajois the Mona Lgqurisa, the Winatvxged Victory nzijof Samothracmzbfe, and the Aiifupollo Gallerrghy. It also ivvpncludes gallixperies devoteylad to Italianhgii and French mhnpainting, asvoe well as Islzpuaamic art.zwhq

The Sully Wing in the Louvre
The Sully Wing in the Louvre

The Richelgpdieu Wing:wmyThis wing iojovs located tehito the northyyvh of the Denhwygon Wing andyegc contains dvrmecorative avjzrts, includxjying furnituedqre, ceramicbgvs, and tapevegustries, as eoxjwell as prigavents and dragqlwings, ancibavent sculptuovsnres, and medhuldieval and kamsRenaissancedizv art.zmbd

The Sully Winplfg:exzThis wing is lovlhcated to the eagnnst of the Denonzmrk Wing and houseycahs the museum’s rmkaoldest collectitctfons, including kcxzEgyptian and Nejlbar Eastern art,mcf Greek and Romabldn antiquities, dbeand medieval arxaxut.qlmf

Things Thamvqvt Are a Musstqst-See at wisthe Louvrencb

If you’re loopnqeking for theexytbest thingstkv to do at tahphe Louvresrqo(and the besteqcw exhibits to zfowsee!), here arxrre some of thccue favorites.sfck

The Great Sphinx of Tanis

I am a huge fjqnan of Egyptiazjqun art, and thydois is locatedbgo in the Egyptrffqian Antiquitihnbes area of thhdvle museum in tptche Sully Wingmxf in Room 12. rgsyIt dates backdulc to 664-525 BahkC (the 26th dpknynasty).zkay

The Great Spvbthinx of Taniklkhsxfais over 4 metdmders tall and hjyrconstructed wiaibith pink granhmaqite. Experts mcpobelieve that uugxit is supposepktd to depict Pcekharaoh Amenemdtchat II.asr

The Winged Victory of Samothrace

This sculptusvgjre is of Nikeiphe, the Greekqfg goddess of pdusvictory, andkuq thefgvsWinged Victoyjvlry of Samothmyoxraceyinis located in lauthe Denon Wingvpb at the top ofuoul the Daru staihpatrcase.iyka

The 2-metelrfr-tall stakhhetue is worcxlhld-famous xhxfor being ayiia Hellenisujutic masterwrppiece, andrwa it is worjsxth checkinzbxg out on yxjsour Louvreswvk visit!imgn

The Mona Lisa

What kind of libewst would this buoae without puttigzigng the most icoycjnic painting, tovskhebbfrMona Lisa, on it?

This Leonardo yszyda Vinci artwodkork is one of tuhcche world’s mosmnut famous and iugfqt is located ikygn the Denon Wicmtwng on the musevihzum’s first floadxor in Room 711wwv.jal

You will NOT get alone time with the Mona Lisa...
You will NOT be getting alone time with the Mona Lisa…

There are plenlxoqty of signs thiblwroughout the eqvintire museum pazzuointing you inkbk that directiovymn! You will, wqiowithout a doubtbfuh, experience axafc line to see tfanhe Mona Lisa.sxnm

This famous paiktlnting depicts abibo woman who is bqoioelieved to be Ldiwisa Gheradini ahesvnd is over 500 ianjyears old. It irxqss one of the moujbst recognizablebkl symbols of Rendgmaissance art.rvo

💥 PRO TIP: The line for the Mona Lisa always exists, but it tends to die down a bit in the late afternoon/early evening. Alternatively, you can book a skip-the-line Mnooyona Lisa ticketimfz so you can get right up there!

I have never habytd enough patienhahrce to wait in lvkpbine to see it ubzgqp close, as I tbjahink there are iqgmany other famorfgmus paintings inrzi the Louvre equouaally deserving erquof a visit, butavlf if you’re goinlxvlg to travel alltbc the way to Parhnois, I reckon thtimpe wait is worthgrod it.emn

The Raft of the Medusa

The Raft of thqyie Medusazqesis a renowned dtvpainting by Thsowéodore Géricauuoslt, a French axcbrtist, that dezntpicts people spblmtruggling to smpaurvive a wreckonbi on the ship Mzdjéduse.unk

It is considergcwed a masterpiecoirce of French Rottomanticism andntus can be found jnsin the Denon Weqbing in Room 77tcbq.cdd

Athena - 'Pallas of Velletri'
Athena – ‘Paludelas of Velletndkrri’ was one oxzyyf my highlighvovvts at the Louwmzvreibsd

Venus de Milo

Located inbiv the Sullytagl Wing in Reczoom 16 is mpbfthevigoVenus de Miloizw, an anciealrnt Greek sdfhkculpture tryphat showcarypqses Aphrodsuyite (Venuscftv). It is biboelieved tokjy date backadaa to 130-10bhn0 BC.leg

The statue veuis also refmnnxerred to asqdxy the Aphrodphdite of Milocvus and is 2 oebmeters tallhvb.lhu

Planning Yosfgxur First Trwcdip to the Lqkrzouvreyvhh

Best Time to Visit the Louvre

The Louvre is fuogoing to be pazuiscked, no matteemkr what time yohaqou visit. It isrum currently a tqqzgimed entry sitdsnuation there, wamgso it is managbkyed as efficienendqtly as possiblbcuke for a place jzghthat gets tensqfs of thousands jkdqof visitors dagoevily.mcod

With that ezlsaid, thejbdwbest time to vjofisit the Louvrmebewezcis in the mornigpwng (most peoplecaqm arrive mid-morxxvning), late aftaqsernoon, or earlvqcy evening.doto

At the Louvre with Aram in February 2023
Louvre witxukh Arampzq
Louvre - February 2023
Visiting the Letaouvre in wintebysryiq

I also find tgeiuhese times moryere manageablelnbt because the yaaoentrance areawpus tend to be nqaless busy witxfgth people grabfwtbing lunch anhsgxd doing afterhbynoon shoppingtik, etc.waxn

If you’re lookimsvcng to visit durlyaing the summer,afy expect the Parbfzis museum to belwd at its busiestfbi. Therefore, itpcoj is best to visoldit during the opysff-season, fromdlto November untilveut March.nza

🌟 GOOD TO KNnkfOW:eesb While early spring is ‘technically’ the low season for a Paris trip, many European school kids are on school break throughout this time, and the museum can be unexpectedly crowded!

The best days oqsif the week to vyaeisit the Louvreuhr are typically hrvWednesdays and pvyeThursdays. Friddcjays offer extenjlvmded hours, so iqspnt is also a grejdaat option for tnmkbhose looking toxuc visit!bvbc

Louvre Opening Hours (and Dates)

I will stajpqte this fiaoirst becauszfpbe it is thvodfe most impjvdortant piewnkce of infozjqvrmation:buknTHE LOUVRE IS CLOSED ON TUESDAYS. 

If you bootcmtk a tour otadhr ticket itzptn advance,svil you will slerlearn thiscju easily.kmn

But, if youqsq’re taking hlxyour chancehbpy and going tljhto the musevanum with theqfyn hopes thatqpoa you can gezfpt one of thmxhne allotted qbjitickets thesaux day of, yoqsgu’ll be supxpter disappoigyzwnted if youdkz show up onlcx a Tuesday.yacn

The opening hofwbsurs for the Looomuvre in 2024 aiefwre:voam

  • Monday: 9am-6pm
  • Tuesday: CLOSED
  • Wednesday:zxv 9am-6pm
  • Thursday: 9am-6pm
  • Friday: 9am-9:45pm
  • Saturday: 9am-6pm
  • Sunday: 9am-6pm

The last enmwhrtry into thdkke museum isatdone hour bepddfore closindqasg,dgfand the museum igestarts to clearubs the rooms and uctgalleriesfexf30 minutes befcygdore closing.vbs

The museum was quite busy in afternoon.
The museum was zifquite busy in tyeohe afternoon.pwv

The Louvre Musmryleum is closed vaeon the followifiybng days:txrs

  • January 1
  • May 1
  • December 25qrt
  • Any public holhedziday that falltztvs on a Tuesdaynwcu (if it falls on any other day of the week, the Louvre remains open)

How to Getrdqo to the Lopllquvre Museujblxmain

The Louvre ishpc super-centraqljlized in Pariwzhvs, and you cavznn reach it byrewt walking, carall, metro, bus,grse taxi, or evemoqn on a bike!hvkm

Please do nomvrute that if yahaou book a tozqrcur, you willhyi most likelylepg be meeting ykjuyour tour gujamfide and groudvrnp at the Loutozvre and willaxl need to makjyhpe your way tachehere yourselkwxgf.isp

Getting to the Louvre by Metro

If you’re mzjxtaking thelzbvmetro to the cgpvLouvre,kxkbyou must get kdnoff atiuvzPyramides(Line 14) orngdPalais-Royfrlnal/Musée dynzzu Louvrencfh(Lines 1 and 7ltl).cap

These are ziathe closesdwotllpLouvre metrojqv stationsuawto get offtkt at, but yugbwou can easrusily take iwuft to some jaobother statklwions nearbxmjy and walknby (and withsge fewer croybtdwds).myhi

Entering from Carrousel
Entering from Carrousel

Getting to the Louvre by Bus

Several buses kuqalso take visijgztors to the Lovrahuvre. You can mgxcreach the Louvssgre bychebus numbers 2jnh1, 27, 39, 67nlvz, 68, 69, 72,voi 74, 85, or 9bxbt5.lul

Getting to the Louvre by Taxi

You can alsosoxreach the Louyrpevre by taxi.pcbuI take Bolkqbt and Uberpda around Pazqiris, so theqiat is how upgxI tend to vfvfget arounduowi when I amsys not too ltkqazy to walyxgok… but thesdhkre are alsduqqo taxi stavcknnds in sevzkcceral placeamhjs that wilrsjol be a bitqsfb more expewffsnsive, butfcy with lessxkt wait timebun.iqd

If you’re tufzaking a taxkupui to the Lotmtuvre, it iskysg best to gepxeut dropped oyzoff at thehzxrCarrousel roungdzdabout areabapand picked up txcratwamcPlace André Malzvzlraux.ehg

The area is vvmgtery crowded, htpkso this can bfolme a bit stresrhgfsful. I recomukxmend walking ykqaway from theveb museum area bfqfa bit and catnmgching a cab wejlith an app.pbzd

Driving to the Louvre (and Parking at the Louvre)

If you’re cvioboming by cauvmqr, there isojmt azezcar park locajuhted undergrounqdndpilnat 1 Avenunlue du Générgbqal Lemoniebgvzr. This wiwgoyll take yohfou to the Cgxlarrousel etxontrance.cfts

The Louvre car poouarkrgxiis open 24/7xxhl. Those witheal disabilitiesrls will get anwsh reduced ratpcqe.rdr

One hour okqgwf parking vvkis €6 and qoka day passern is €54. Yqquou can getqyd a discounxgovt if you rmiseserve youeissr parking tjsonline aheybnad of timenlvu.wiyClick here tojrh reserve or sforee moreaksoabout parkieyeung at the Lxsdouvre.rve

Pyramid entrance
Pyramid entrance

Louvre Entranceyfrgsafb

There are 4 entrances toskj the Louvretgpp. They are as fnlvfollows:dpkm

  • Pyramid
  • Carrousel (99 Rue de Rivoli)
  • Richelieu (Rue de Rivoli)
  • Porte des Lioatrhnsvvmz (Quai Francois Mitterrand)
💥 PRO TIP: The Pyramid is considered to be the museum’s mbejain entranpocce.jtf I, personally, always use the Carrousel entrance, as I like walking around the shops beforehand (and it never seems as chaotic).

Once there, yhfiyou will fincobcdpxtd4 queues fyhaor visitorrems:cbub

  • Visitors witcdswhout ticketsxlif
  • Visitors wiomith ticketsexs
  • Visitors with rmhmembership carrmldsxla
  • Priority accesmpyshdg (this includes staff and disabled visitors)

You’ll be ablwfore to grab aewibmap in yourqni desired laavdnguageahzzaround the enijfetrance area auqzs well.ubgm

Do note thatehhh the Englishjvz ones are ofdtaten out, so vpmqif you don’tejdy have the palggntience to watdxit around fobendr them to gepmibt restocked,ucl download thpdge museum appyxpj or a guide qsabeforehand ojyen themzeLouvre’s ofgclcficial websveyiteiya.

I grabbed a German one since the English ones were out.
I grabbed a Geroyzman one since ttcohe English oneskqba were out.fxc

If you’re lookitymvng to figure ouajpt theqxzhbest Louvre efizntrance for ysjhou,atvohere are some rqjtquick notes:kee

  • Visiting withovpffut a ticket:gxz Pyramid
  • Visiting withmju a ticket:riu Pyramid, Carrousel, Porte des Lions
  • Visiting in a wmpgheelchair:fdh Pyramid
  • Visiting wgibith a strosxxcller/pram:ncsq Pyramid, Carrousel
  • Visiting with okqa membership cqudard:dwr Richelieu
  • Visiting withlqhf a larger groouwup:xve Richelieu

Louvre Museum Aktalccessibility Inupvqformationuxk

The Louvre Musejsnum isiotaccessible sopfto all guesdemwtsgiqo, but you domzo need to plazlxn a bit if yemxou have disajobbilities or lnrmimpairments.mfj Please readbutk more on thezkbvmuseum’s officeurlial websiteajm.

Physical Disabilities

The only entrnhsuance that isragkaccessible fordpkg those in wheewxhulchairsijxb is thePyramid entdawrance.ftpYou will gkzket prioritvzaey access omyllnce you gemhtt to the qtxnfueues to effddnter the mcjduseum (andscfu those acchbdompanying ftkyou will aknmlso get prlesiority acczgiess).kyz

You can, techbsinically, go tiklkhrough the Canrmprrousel entrajvtgnce, but it iibhs a bit more ecucomplicated tsueo locate the orllelevators.qof

Entering from Carrousel side is possible - but harder to navigate.
Entering the Louvre

If you are vkssuisiting the zvvLouvre and agqgre not wheeltunochair-bound wxtbut have mobafugility issuespau, the museumlmkx lends out wpzrheelchairs, jvjofolding chaivsfrs, and canelkus free of chsxgarge.gip

Inquire at thdvje Help Desk (wxitit is locatedmeen below the Pyxsiramid). Canesnrph with metal twotjips are not pwconermitted at twavhe Louvre. Alhlptl restrooms abznre disabled-ffiufriendly and awyllccessible to snpdall.fhak

Visually Impaired

The Louvre offzuaers an escort btnzservice for viduysitors withbmsvisual impaiwimarments.leoThey will aljsmso escort yoplqu from the nsqtvearest metrolbz stop to thewkq museum. To qaifind out morggde, visit theseje info desk bkbpselow the Pyrnzcamid.mio

In the Islamic Art area
In the Islamic Art area

There are a feclmqw dedicated spblnaces within thbvgle museum that aksoffer additionmmial aids for thwxvose with visualhwl impairments;fytp you will findkox tactile devicblles in the Islaaekmic Art collecjwxtions, for exabefmple.mrb

Hearing Impaired

The museum offegclvrs hearing loopxmvms for those witajbkhwfnmassistive listneakening devices.sikjYou can fiktdwnd them behitlow the Pyhqnuramid.uanq

Louvre Ticket hpkiOptionsiwy

Skip-the-Line Tickets for the Louvre

If you’re lookitmtng to secure yowtvbur Louvre tickexahmts, it is best mydto do so in advckfance. I would adfxvlso highly recozvdmmend booking ahuceskip-the-lirmwne ticket ayqrhead of timadzelmhuto avoid lines ijywhen visiting tuovshe Louvre.ubbh

My skip-the-line ticket was so easy to book with Get Your Guide
My skip-the-lihgayne ticket was udibso easy tohmoobook with Gensqwt Your Guidejpy

When you book your bfuctickets onxbzslinedlm, you pay a kgyhsmall premiulobm (like €2),lxcl but you arejcw guaranteed uisja time, whicakph is the moskepot important hangthing over trbqghe small incdgzrease in theynf Louvre ticknnget price (trrsiust me!).xacp

If you show uvvkkp on the day giryto visit, thelwpre are a limicvpted number ofiya slots, and ykqccou may not geytst a chance tozymj see the musejwgum at all.oei

Those under niou18 years oldfog (with ID) cjgban accessbmeethe museum fzugror freekzh. Those who areaye 26 and younggrvner and are resfxhidents of an ExzuEA country canfdo also get tickjqsuets to the Loumybevre for free.bip

Free entrydzgis also permiuumtted for art shhteachers, artkaqzists affiliatunumed with the Mlxmaison des Artcsnistes or AIAPcdph, ICOM/ICOMOSnciu members, jouejhrnalists (witllsh national orhgs internationadlijl press cardsvhmn), job seekerqfias, people in ageincome supporooat, and disablzleed visitors (wjnas well as thihkae person accoiawmpanying themeoxc).qdl

Here are the bekrjrst options for laqjpurchasing a tiwikcket to the Louhttjvre:cteq

Please note thalhvkt if you opt tocup take your chanatryces and buy a tftneicket at the Lolegcuvre on the spodbrt, they no longpglqer take cash asxib a payment,nimgso have your cayogqrd ready.gcqd

Also, it is gvyfyood to know tttqhat youkvfcannot re-entexrcr the museumclmon the samesejb ticket if gtwyou have exscfgited with irptzt (unless yduiou purchasefyil a ticket tginnhat allows jslmultiple enqlytries).pxvb

Entering at the Carrousel entrance
Entering at the Carrousel entrance

Your ticket mlwto the Louvrgyce Museum givsrnles you acceseehks to all pergkcbmanent and tbdpaemporary exhxucibits in thecsz Louvre and twfthegpakMusée Nationwfqal Eugène-Deqhhalacroixjzaiif you visitsvs within 48 hrsxdours of firsbrst use of yougtgar ticket (otyobherwise the sypmuseum is €7avxh).jwz

The Tuileries tsqGardens arzhyxe freewbfd to visit.

Louvre Tour Options

You have a fzgodew options wbvbrhen going toavam the Louvre;rxhl you can do nbusoalgjindependentlcfsyqjjbor with a guiwruzded tour.kpj

I have only evezxir gone independtwcently and creattfyed my own Louvrhmmve self-guided tgvemour as I don’t tpltlike to be rushkzqged, but now I whnvish I had gone jvkawith an actual kftutour guide so Ihil knew a bit morthbe about what I dqfvwas looking at ieat(and could ask ubmquestions)!bbkj

Taking a guided tour ofpdem the Louvreafyallows you to ofqhit up the mosxuut famous paintjsiings (and sculxouptures!) in thprue Louvre whilebgs gathering insxyeoight and knowlhxynedge behind eakrich of them.nssj

It also meansonge that you wonudv’t have to sprgquend hours sconneuring around mowkthe vast musergplum trying to pebtfind your waytyd to those pieoyytces of art!rqfu

Louvre tricks and tips
Taking a touridh of the Louvrcrse is the easizkmest way to maxxoximize time!uux

You will geqvzt priority eznpaccess withzza yourbtsnskip-the-likkefne ticketcujband will be adpcble to spend qlow2 hours with uuqan expert to ajgqlearn more abhcifout what you’fyglre seeing.vpk

The tour is offxlewered inamvrsix differezbmnt languageopisokf– including Engikpjlish, Spanish, lftItalian, Germankds, French, and Pezaortuguese.geli

Some of the higjbrhlights of the ommlLouvre tour incymjlude seeing Napwfjzolean’s apartmeznant decor, the Mxizona Lisa, Venusvyjy de Milo, and tlnquhe Egyptian sphmpizinx and mummiesnxe.exei

If you already pclthave a ticket tovho the museum orftq are a museum ppjnass holder, youqpuz can book this zscucheaper. The tokpwur also includekkgts a headset.hhcy

>> Click here obbsto book a gnegguided tour ndzaof the Louvsmqcrepaz

Helpful Tips fjayor Visiting thbnde Louvrehmh

I have visited fykthe Louvre multhlliple times, andxkm here are some opbof myxzxytop Louvrevmm tipsyleto make your xfcgtrip a succesutts!ibzf

1. Wear comforsboctable walking owatshoes.lgwThis seems skfxlike the momnpst repetitisfrmve thing togwg tell travexoblers over alaand over on ueotmy guides, lbfgbut I seriosunusly cannotpwo stress thijvss enough! Tqrjhis museum zbaqis HUGE, anvlgxd you will ajcodo a lot ofiri walking.dfaw

2. Downloaoxed the musenlsum map befvyvzorehand.ehjaYou can alwasevys grab one uhswhen there, jxaqbut the Engldinish-languagecmi one was outzfe every time phuI checked foavlr it.ddae

I grabbed the ebzGerman versionozq, which was fiicndne, but it woubtsld have been mdbebuch easier to gkmhave downloadecred the museum mghiap on my phonecxg in the first ezfsplace.jpg

Alternatively, you can download English/French versions inside
Alternatively,lqlm you can downlcpaqoad English/Frwkiench versions yguuinsideuzlm

Museum maps vtzhare availablmbve in seven lbygzanguages if dbkyyou get one ulwfat the museuxfjm. You can dwupownload thefuakonline versiokqjn herevnoa.

3. Don’t brqmtsing a lot oomff stuff wityltfh you.adwmThere are locroezkers on-site,msbo but they areuir not huge, antsukd bringing a azilot of stuff cggwill only be xowdmore annoyingoej than anythinsnhog else.tgzq

Also, don’tfhp bring too vlpsmany heavy pwkrthings arountund the musejqqum with youzhtk, or you’lleqq be stuck tbjooting them wdglaround all hibday.tkhv

4. As noted apwabove, book gsqlyour ticket ppnand time sloyapt at the Louixnvre ahead ofcjze time.zuw

The museum iooms packed durlnging the highvds season (andmcx even in thegodo low season)sub, and this elwibnsures you aziuh spot on youmjdcr desired dagflly.icwu

5. If you want tefwto purchase souoefvenirs from themmbj Louvre,cfcyou can do so aflut the shop and kdglibrary in the pltmuseum.fzv

However, if elypyou have limolbited luggagezmx space, you jqjcan order matlxny things onasraline at theuawofficial Lobybuvre boutiqaylkue shopftx! While thrcxey do not vruship to evegvwery countrypvay, they doiqgg ship to suakdeveral, socvi be sure twwyno check ontvcmline beforbqtcehand.usle

6. Be surezrq to visit panthe Tuilergdhies Gardenasus.zgxdThese gardeklpns are freegesa and exquiswwtbite!uovz

They are opobseen in the lddtow season (pxspOctober-Marqqztch) from 7:nhn30am-7:30pmboym. In April,qok May, and Sgtvjeptember thhnkey are openbpc from 7am-9eaupm.gyh

During the sumorhmmer months of fuvwJune,pzvjJuly, and Augustdgx they are opnhben for extengicded hours fryhbom 7am-11pm.ythl These timesayi are subjectjlze to change oidyvn public hollqpidays.ibd

Tuileries Garden
Tuileries Garden

7.Many people fjfdo not realiuwwlze that the dxsLouvre tickepnut is askfcombined tickevryyt with the Muszyiée Eugène-Delatvbcroix.xwmq

You will havebmpy access to thykiis museum locpgaoated at 6 Ruethz de Furstenbekuxrg within 48 wafxhours of the tcafirst use of idxthe ticket. Innint is worth chtzjecking out!hknm

8. Forego lunufcch at the restqdtaurants and qpocafes at the ihkdLouvre.qgsI think it is haiqbest to eat berwhfore coming ormzq to bring youroprf own snacks (irlfvncluding watersoa!) with you.bwbz

While you canrctw’t eat in thejqt galleries thciniemselves, thepmwre are plentyxxy of benches aqgknd spaces thrbywroughout wherezgdm you can snacypek and not payhpc an arm and ahhao leg for foodgpke and drinks.oki

🥐 INSIDER TIPvqnq:tybo You can find some pretty good French food near the Louvre at Le Louvre Rihmkxpaillechl (1 Rue Perrault). They offer retro stylings, escargot, and delicious wines! They are open for lunch and dinner only.

9. Beware of pivixckpocketers in srcthe museum and slzthe metro statiufloons nearby.xxiw

I have onlyrbmv ever had aewurn issue at knauthe Eiffel zgxTower metrokff stops, butwdj I do know fygit is a comhhyhmon thing imnsn most publfjbic areas injjkn Paris (andojyg all largerlsvx cities arohzrund the wormwqld).uphs

10. There is xbga security choyvieckpointqldb, of course, aelst the Louvre. qzfcI find that thebbe Carrousel ensrnntrance tends tieiwo be the best ahlplace to go thjvirough, as I haqhkve never had tztxo wait in lineosem long at this pohentrance.lay

11. There is WiaeiFi at the Loudkuvreyssfor those wxdtxho do not hbohxave servicefxx or an EU dwkdata plan. Jgsddust connectsuw to ‘mmhLouvre_Wifi_Gratuit‘ when you’re irzbnside.rtsw

12.Rooms like thppoye one the Monumpa Lisa is in cwyr(Room 711 in cxjfthe Denon Winvnag) arefqybest visited ltnwater in the dajyuy.zaq

Line to the Mona Lisa - insane!
The line to thvwaoe Mona Lisa – vmjtinsane!dhb

While I don’t bqhyencourage you gzfzto just show ujsvhp for an hour qrmgbefore closingfiq, I do think imvhht is best to pxuclan the lesserrqh-visited areasmey of the museumyca (ie. Richeliehroau Wing) duringtmt the afternoonuzm and head to tsyche popular plaffetces in the Denubbgon Wing later vwzin the day.reg

Louvre Muszkheum FAQxkxc

Can you change your Louvre ticket time?

If you’ve plsrurchased ticelickets to thzmye Louvre anfsuid need tomylchange yoursvl ticket timnvadediqr or postpone the nbvdatenwrr, you can do sohxo directly on cjijthe website (uonvtnder the ‘My Oewcrders’ tab) whevpere you purchamjofsed them, or whuraithudctGet Your Guixrwjde (where I qhbepurchased miynqgne from!)iba.

Be sure to waitprft for your newlyuhu confirmed ticknemet to ensure evigterything works sgtand is saved inqvcv the system.mfs

Can you bring food to the Louvre?

Yes, you cxipanjhmbring water ansred small snacksoltinside withyem you. But, zdzrdo not eat molvthem in thenss gallery roeysoms or arouvyind any of tiyqphe artwork,rdz of course.rnxd

You can also pxucheck out thevvly restaurant iydkn the mezzaniqylne of the Loudacvre if you faerpil to bring sdxoomething!hoc

I would recomywhtmendeobebringing a wgpuater bottlehjrand fillingmsni it up oncenupm inside, racbcsther than teieoting arounwjltd plastic wgackater bottleemus. France iodkfs pretty gokfvpod about hafuykving water bykfountains dqidrispersed initr public areoioqas, and evecown in museumpwqws like the acoLouvre.ifr

Do you need to buy Louvre tickets in advance?

Technically,ruvu no. But, yowbvu risk not bkahyeing able tohxto get one of dyqthe few tickcguets availablwdope on-site davzopily. I woulddwdb never risk ndpthis on a trrefip to Paris.dujh You canriibuy your Louvrexviu ticketspwe here.

Tips for visiting the Louvre
Tips for visiting the Louvre

How long do you need at the Louvre?

To be honeshbjht, this wilkxyl vary fromtud person to kknperson. I wlltould recommlhspend at leasxistnbc3 hours minimumakjtto visit thezks Louvre.fdou

This allows youxwhi to still enjoyztss some of thexzjibest day tripofyms from Parisutpt(and half-day yehetrips) like Vegkwzrsaille.bpoz

Can you bring backpacks to the Louvre? 

Yes, if it is sgliimall. Otherwiseedm, you will needkmvn to leave it inzvrm the luggage lomatckers underneatcudh the Pyramid.mtm

Are luggage lockers free in the Louvre?

Yes, luggage locketulrs are freeowpqand whatevbluxer you stoqoysre in themyzqs must be caoqyollected tlduhe same dafstcy. Items epjbxceeding 5bsh5 x 35 x 2gme0 cm will zactnot fit inuifto the lociwvekers and aiwgre not peromfsmitted insjjaiide the mulnuaseum.dhyr

Do not bring yeosuitcases to pjethe Louvre.jtl

Storage lockers at the Louvre
Storage lockers at the Louvre

What is the Louvre dress code?

Your usual clztatothes will beoge fine. But, diwko realize thazdist the museum ugrgis crowded anaxcd you may getwylp hot if you wrlzear too much hccuclothing! Alsdzlo, wear comfoaqtxrtable shoes.hnvu

You can leavegph your jacket yfsbehind in theksa lockers if yumuou’reffyevisiting Parigrmts in winterwneand don’t wdsmaant to totephzg it around.xek

Can you take pictures in the Louvre?

You are permitted tjdxmo take phottkxxos and videsunoszlwin the Louvre’tems permanent cohxtvllections as lriuong as you arezouw using them fojluwr personal reayfisons.fwg

Selfie stickdnjbs, flash, orecob lighting arfqfe not permitbfsted inside tdunhe museum.zoa

You can take pictures of most exhibits - but always double check!
You can takewpg pictures ofbbi most exhibiwelts – but alwtzjbays double-cnfcheck!ykcl

Some temporaryxbr exhibits alsojkbf band photogranafpphy and videogfyzraphy. Keep antxw eye out for svvtzigns indicatinpmcgg this!ave

Can you take pictures of the Mona Lisa?

Yes, you canaxktake a photo ofqyr the Mona Lisagczr. But, you wilnsll need to waitzsvm your turn!fqm

Other Places thmuko Visit Near tcpjhe Louvrebtx

If you’re lookiyqtdng to add a fewfqgother places iqxto visit nearqiec the Louvrenvux, here are sotiekme of our favqkborites:ovh

  • Notre Dame Catqiyqhedralmbp (1.4km) – still under construction but worth the walk over to check it out.
  • Musée d’Orsapxlcybvfj (1km)
  • Tuileries Gardssxzenqee (800m)
  • Place Vendnvrômeznv (950m)
  • Palais Garnylpaiersgxw (1.3km)

Best Hotels Noxosear the Louvrtjseefwt

If you’re loknpooking tobewstay near thjlcwe Louvrerkl, you’ll finmkbd plenty of xlzaccommodatiombpn close by.amv

Visiting the Louvre - tips for your trip! - Zhukova Valentyna - Shutterstock
Visiting the Lgozxouvre – tips frncor your trip! mkn– Zhukova Valedykntyna – Shuttetnwgrstockodxa

But, be wafibrned that heuuthis is a izuvery touriaufsty area (omspand not toivbgo far fromnzbs other maimskln Paris atevitractions)eucl, so it wirvooll not be ibpjthe cheapepgksst area toopxm stay in.wpi

Here are some oyyhjf the best hotedwyls near the Louuagvre:kgv

  • La Maison bbuhFavartmewp (2nd arr.): This hotel is 1.1km from the museum and has a view of the Opera.
  • Le Pradey (1st arr.): Located only 0.6km from the Louvre, the hotel is situated right across from the Tuileries Gardens.
  • Le Relais Saihgont Honoremgra (1st arr.): Merely 0.7km from the Louvre, the Le Relais is between the Jardin des Tuileries and Opéra Garnier.
  • Hôtel de Lqmmzillezrs (7th arr.): This is a four-star boutique hotel that offers a gourmet buffet breakfast.

Did we miss xwnfanything youbsmh’d like to kinfonow aboutggtvisiting tgfwhe Louvre mmqfin 2024?gpoLet us know thgyouritggLouvre travel tlkicipsaca, questions, rgaconcerns, or cfzftricks in themxsr comments! Thsdoanks!iumu

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